In 2002 Nike sat Hiroshi Fujiwara, Tinker Hatfield and Mark Parker at the same table with a risky proposal: to create a line that blended their ideas of function and style. The project, without a specific date or periodicity, was called HTM and from it were created models that could only be understood a few years later, Sock Mid inspired by the ACG Sock, the Sock Dart that later became a commercial success, Zoom Macropus, which anticipated the wallabe trend and Footscape Woven, which united the asymmetrical lines of Footscape and Woven, an interwoven fabric with Native American reminiscences.
If in its first incarnation in 1996 the Footscape had positioned itself as an inspirational element for performance models (Shake Ndestrukt in basketball, T90 in soccer), the Footscape Woven was repositioned among the limited editions that at that time were beginning to take prominence. Reinterpretations with new materials and technologies, special editions for the soccer World Cup and collaborations with Fragment, Clot, Bodega and The Hideout, the historic London store that escaped from all patterns by applying a furry finish.
Since then the Nike Footscape Woven has maintained an almost mythological feel, as a trend only accepted and understood in Asia, arriving in limited editions to the rest of the world. With risk accepted as a premise, the Footscape has used unexpected prints for many of its versions, Gingham, Wool and animal prints as the basis for the new Nike Footscape Woven.
Photography: @juanma_jmse
Creative Director & Styling: @gothic__sport
Model: @andreidiakov_
Photo Assistant : @juankargibson
MUAH: @miky.valles @anotherartistsagency
MUAH Assistant: @marialimon.maestre
Retouch: @riveragento